Ageless Socialite, Adebisi Edionseri, Refuses to Step Down

An established socialite, Adebisi Edionseri, otherwise known as  Cash Madam, has been around for many decades. A successful businesswoman, her fame is not confined to Ogun State, where she resides.

At 89, the Ogun State-born magnate still possesses all that has given her fame and recognition all her life. She loves the good things of life and this reflects in the clothes and accessories she wears. You cannot help but turn your head in admiration anytime you see her  at any event.

This respectable octogenarian and socialite has been ruling the social scene for decades and  has lived her life in absolute dedication to her first love- fashion, style and beauty.  It is  no exaggeration to say that she had been a millionaire since the late 70s, when she was in her 30s. Many musicians benefitted from her largesse at the time. It is also worth noting  that  she got her sobriquet, Cash Madam, from the  Juju legend, Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey in the 80s.

It was gathered that she was the definition of colourful and flamboyance, and no party was worthy of its onion if Edionseri was not in attendance.  She rocked the social scenes to the envy of many years back then. Indeed, for her, life must be enjoyed to the hilt.

Though she is now well advanced in age, everything about her still points to the fact that life has been fair to her. One cannot help but wonder how she has been able to maintain the lovely looks and fashionable mien even at 89.

While many ask when would the woman that clocked 89 last Thursday slow down, she has definitely not shown any sign of that, as she still parties hard the way she did in her early age. 

Edionseri still attends parties hosted by her many affluent associates, and she still   displays her knack for fashion. Not a few continue to gape  at her choice of clothes and diamond jewelries.

The woman is simply ageless!

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