Pass it through a filter

From Me To You

andra and Elsie were in a hot argument . The former was already crying when the Biology teacher entered the class. All entreaties by her classmates to make Sandra stop crying failed. She was deeply hurt and bitter over what Elsie had said to her.
When the teacher tried to mediate in the matter, she discovered that Elsie ‘had no filters’.
The Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary defines a filter as “a device containing paper, sand, chemicals that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted” – this means that filters are used to remove harmful and unwanted materials.
As human beings, we go through different challenges and situations in life. In dealing with one another, we need to be sensitive to avoid hurting people by what we say or do.
We should endeavor to pass whatever we want to say or do through a filter and be sure our words will not hurt others unnecessarily. Giving a second thought to whatever we want to say or do is a form of filter.
Some people will always act like they do not care whose ox is gored. Truth is, no man is an island. Everyone needs the association of others and if you are the type that has refused to put a filter on it, you are bound to lose friends because no one wants to associate with a person who hurts them at will.
If you are that kind of a person who says defamatory things about others, please, stop and put a filter on it.
Pass whatever you want to say or do through this four – way test:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
If you get an all round yes, then, do not hesitate to say or do it. But, if not, think again.
As teenagers, your parents remain your best filter. Whatever you are not proud to tell them, please, do NOT say or do!
4-way test, credit: Herbert J. Taylor and Rotary International.

Shout Out!
To Chuka Azubogu (Musty).  Life, they say, begins at 40; I pray this is when yours really begins. Happy birthday!

Teen Health 
GLAUCOMA – The Vision Thief
By: Dr. Lillian Lucky

What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an eye disease that most people have heard of but confuse with other eye diseases.  It is a group of eye disorders that causes irreversible blindness. Glaucoma is characterized by increased eye fluid, pressure and optic nerve damage.

Unfortunately, glaucoma has no initial symptoms and no associated eye pain. When the sufferer notices reduced vision, it is because some damage has already taken place.  However, there are some warning signs; people with family members that have glaucoma are more prone to having it as well. Such people will do well to check with their eye doctor regularly. If there is blurry vision, seeing halos around light, make sure to visit the eye care practitioner immediately. This way, steps can be taken to prevent further vision loss. During eye examination, a tonometer is used to measure increased eye fluid pressure to determine if it is within normal range or not.
Treatment for glaucoma can include the use of drugs, lasers or surgeries depending on the severity of the damage.  Eyeglasses do not treat glaucoma.

Glaucoma has no cure, and damage done to vision as a result of glaucoma cannot be reversed. All treatments are meant to stop further damage, and this requires lifelong management. It is therefore safer to go for regular eye tests.

•Dr. Lillian Lucky is an optometrist and the MD of Rhema eye centre in satellite town, Lagos.

Talk to  Judy
Hi guys! My name is Judy. I am here to share your problems with you. Trust me to proffer solutions to those mind boggling problems you wouldn’t dare share with friends, siblings, parents or anyone else.
A lot of people; teenagers alike, hurt secretly with problems they can’t discuss openly for fear of being judged. You may hide your identity if you wish, but do write in and let’s discuss that problem. It is not healthy to bottle up problems. Moreover, problems shared are problems half solved. Or, you think no one cares? I do care!
I will be here every week to help you solve that problem. But, I can’t, if you don’t talk about it, so do write in. you never know, what you call a problem may just be a normal growing up experience.
*****Send your mails to: Subject: Dear Judy.
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ABDULSALAM KAMALDEEN IDOWU:… The Disabled Who Challenged Us

His story is compelling and cannot be left untold because he demonstrated that vision, courage, determination, resilience and focus are all one needs to succeed against all odds; rare qualities only role models possess  – story by Nkechi Ibeneme

Abdulsalam Kamaldeen Idowu, 38, was born without any disability like many other children. However, tragedy struck when he lost his two legs to poliomyelitis at the age of three. As if that was not enough, he also lost his mother a year after. Crippled, motherless and homeless, Kamaldeen started primary school at the age of eight without a clue on how he would make it through school.
Determined to be successful in school and life, he resorted to begging on the street to pay his school fees and fend for himself. Having no shelter over his head, he took refuge at Idumota Motor Park in Lagos, where he made his home and slept for many years. During this period, he was exposed to the elements, hunger, danger, hard drugs and even criminal gangs at the park.
However, these odds did not deter him from pursuing his vision of acquiring formal education, he resorted to begging instead of stealing and going to school (instead of touting and doing drugs) and would retire to his ‘home’ at the motor park at night (distancing himself from the gang). This routine went on for many years as Kamaldeen progressed from primary to secondary and to the University of Lagos to study Political Science.
As he was concluding his Political Science programme, and determined to study Law, Kamaldeen again, sat for the West African School Certificate Examination and the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) exam, and was admitted to study Law in the same school – University of Lagos. After the programme, he went to Law School and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2016. Thus, beating the odds to acquire two degrees at a stretch to change his life’s story.
Little wonder, he was honoured by the House of Representatives last week. His story is irresistible.
In honouring him, the House Leader, Femi Gbajabiamila had this to say, “When ordinary Nigerians do extraordinary things then they must be celebrated and all men and women of power and influence must rise and bow to them. Nigerians and the world celebrate Messi and Ronaldo everyday for the amazing things they are able to do with their legs and today we must celebrate Abdulsalam for the amazing things he has been able to do without his legs.”
If Kamaldeen, who is crippled by polio and had no place to call a home nor a mother to nurture him, could make something worthy out of his life, then you certainly have no excuse not to excel.

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