Landscape Architecture, Key to Addressing Climate Change, Flooding

Gilbert Ekwugbe

Landscape architecture has been identified as a valuable tool for checkmating climate change, flooding and rapid urbanisation in the country.

Nigeria, like many countries, grapples with environmental challenges such as climate change, flooding, and rapid urbanisation, hence the need for economic managers to invest in landscape architecture.

According to a report, “Landscape architecture plays a vital role in mitigating flooding through the design of landscapes that integrate Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDS) and reduce the risk of flooding. It utilizes their understanding of topography, hydrology, and ecology to create multi-use systems that can serve as public spaces and help manage flooding.

“Developers are beginning to embrace these features not only contribute to environmental conservation but also appeal to an expanding market of environmentally conscious buyers. 

The report added that the symbiotic relationship between landscape architecture and real estate development in Nigeria extends beyond aesthetics, but encompasses increased property values, enhanced quality of life, and a proactive response to environmental challenges. 

“The fusion of aesthetics and environmental consciousness is not merely a trend; it represents a blueprint for shaping the future of Nigerian real estate,” the report added.

The statement stressed that over the past 17 years, Nigeria has witnessed the transformative outcomes arising from the symbiotic relationship between landscape architecture and real estate development, saying that in the competitive arena of real estate, the significance of first impressions cannot be overstressed. 

“Within the ever-evolving realm of real estate development, the pivotal role of landscape architecture cannot be understated. Beyond its aesthetic contributions, deliberate landscape design plays a crucial role in defining the character and value of properties, “the report said.

It added, “A meticulously designed landscape serves as the welcoming committee, leaving a lasting impression on potential buyers and tenants. In Nigeria, developers are increasingly acknowledging the importance of well-designed green spaces, entrance ways, and communal areas to elevate the overall appeal of their projects. This emphasis on aesthetics significantly contributes to the development of vibrant, attractive communities,” the report averred.

“In Nigeria’s rapidly urbanizing landscape, properties featuring well-thought-out landscapes command higher prices. The integration of landscape design into real estate development in Nigeria is exemplified by initiatives like the Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK). Under the leadership of Governor B. Fashola, LASPARK not only beautified neglected spaces but also embraced sustainable practices, aligning with the global trend of environmentally conscious urban planning.”

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