Northern Governors Donate N180m to Tudun Biri Bomb Victims

. Tackling insecurity, crucial to devt of north, Says Yahaya

. Officers who misfired drone’ll not go unpunished, Says Defence Chief

Kingsley Nwezeh in Abuja, John Shiklam in Kaduna and Segun Awofadeji in Gombe

The Northern States Governors Forum (NSGF), has donated N180m to the victims of the bomb incident in Tudun Biri community, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna state.

The donation was announced in a communique issued after the meeting of the governors yesterday at the Government House, Kaduna.

This is as the Chairman of NSGF and Governor of Gombe State, Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya, said that addressing insecurity and other challenges were crucial to the development of the North.

Also, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Christopher Musa, yesterday, said that officers, who misfired the drone that killed scores of civilians in Kaduna will not go unpunished.

He said those found guilty of the offence will face a court-martial, maintaining that the armed forces were not known to shield offenders even as he cited standing court martials and incidents of guilty offenders, who are already in jail.

The NSGF commiserated with the government and people of Kaduna State over the unfortunate incident which occurred on December 3, killing over 100 people while many others were injured.

The governors prayed for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives and wished those in the hospital speedy recovery.

The communique was signed by the chairman of the forum and governor of the Gombe State, Muhammad Yahaya.

He commended the Kaduna State and the federal governments for the way and manner they handled the unfortunate incident so far.

According to the communique, “The forum resolved to work collectively to ensure that the tragic incidence is thoroughly investigated with a view to compensating victims and taking corrective measures to prevent future occurrence.

“The forum resolved to vigorously pursue the collective interest of the North in areas of enhanced security, peaceful coexistence, economic development, youth employment, drug abuse and revitalisation of education at all levels.”

The governors also commended the federal government for the renewed vigour in the fight against insecurity, menace of kidnaping, banditry, communal clashes and terrorism, bedeviling the region.

The governors further resolved to “stand united in addressing challenges facing the north, through enhanced collaboration with security agencies, strengthening local law enforcement, community engagement, adoption of modern technology and administrative reforms, as well as addressing the root causes of insecurity such as poverty, unemployment and deepening social in-equality.”

The communique stated further that the NSGF, “resolved to address the environmental challenges affecting Northern Nigeria which is threatening rural livelihood, pushing farmers into conflict with herders and adding to the general level of poverty and insecurity.

“The forum further resolved to collectively fastrack regional integration through investment in infrastructure, human capital development, trade, commerce, agriculture, environment, digital economy and cultural exchanges.

“The Forum collectively resolved to support the Kaduna State Government and victims of the unfortunate incidence of bombing at Tudun Biri Community, Igabi Local Government Area by donating the sum of One Hundred and Eighty Million Naira (N180,000,000.00) only to the victims.”

While commending the federal government for the fight against insecurity, Yahaya said more efforts was needed to bring an end to kidnapping, banditry and terrorism bedeviling the region.

He commiserating with the people of Kaduna State over the Tudun Biri bomb incident, assuring that the NSGF under his leadership, will work assiduously to ensure that the incident thoroughly investigated.

“Let me begin by expressing condolence to the people of Tudun Biri who are victims of the unfortunate bombing incident by the Nigerian Army unintended operations.

“We all witnessed the level of devastation and we all condemned the tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the affected families and the entire people of Kaduna State.

“I want to assure you that all the Northern governors are working assiduously to ensure that the unfortunate incident is thoroughly investigated with the view to compensating the victims and take corrective measures so as to prevent future occurrence”, the NSGF chairman said.

He added that, “As governors of Northern state, while we are commending the federal government over the fight against insecurity, we believe that more need to be done to bring an end to kidnapping, banditry, communal clashes and terrorism bedeviling our region.”

In his remarks, Kaduna State Governor, Uba Sani, lamented the spate of insecurity in the North.

He called for the establishment of command and command and control centre to coordinate a joint operations aimed at tackling the terrorism and other related crimes in the region.

Sani, “We must develop a common strategy and operational plan to tackle insecurity.

“We must establish a command and control centre to coordinate our joint efforts against terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and other criminal elements in our region”.

Speaking further, Sani, said diversity and ethno-religious unity remain the foundation for the advancement of the ideals of regional peace, security and development in the North.

He urged governors of the region to work together towards empowering the people as key production forces for the growth of the North.

The governor said, “Our region has been grappling with challenges of insecurity. Our human development indices have been declining.

“For the Northern Governors Forum to remain relevant, we must forge unity among our people and collaborate on issues of development.

“We must fashion a marshal plan for the development of the North. Our situation is dire and requires concerted and sustained action.

“Diversity and ethno- religious unity remain the foundation for the advancement of the ideals of regional peace, security and development in the North.”

Musa, who spoke at a media briefing in Abuja, defended charges of  lack of synergy in the armed forces which led to the incident.

He also stated that the earlier statement issued on the incident was not properly done and created the impression of lack of synergy.

He insisted that the military did not deliberately work against each other but cited poor weather conditions or human error, “because we are humans”.

“We don’t deliberately work against each other. There could be human error because we are humans and weather issues.

“We encounter weather issues, that hamper our operations, even the terrorists know when the weather is bad.

“Officers, who committed the offence will not go unpunished. A committee has been set up and we will wait for the committee.

“If they are found guilty there will be punishment. We have court-martialed officers. The armed forces does not shield offenders”, he said.

On ending terrorism in Nigeria, he said it would require concerted efforts of all stakeholders.

He harped on the need for good governance as a panacea to terrorism.

“Military solutions is 30 percent the rest is good governance , equity and justice.

“Our forests are porous. Niger State alone has 75 forest reserves, we need to work on it.

“Everything comes to good governance. If all Nigerians say today we will not support terrorism, it will stop. People supply them fuel food etcetera,” he said.

Musa affirmed that hostilities in the North-east was already at its end with the surrender of 140,000 insurgents.

“We are bringing it down with 140,000 who have surrendered and like I said all hands must be on deck to bring it to an end”, he said.

On the kidnapping of expatriates in Rivers State and the activities of oil bunkerers, he stated that communities were aiding oil thieves.

“The Armed Forces are doing well. Communities are protecting bunkerers. Some people connected crude to their houses from where they sell them.

“We are the problem. If we change our attitude, we will be better,” he said.

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