Golden Terra Oil Launches “Pour Pure Love” Campaign

Golden Terra Oil has unveiled a new communication campaign themed “Pour Pure Love”.

In a statement, it said the initiative aims to celebrate the dedication, love, and nurturing spirit of mothers while positioning the cooking oil  brand as an integral part of mother’s emotional connection, emphasizing their role in creating meals filled with love and care.

“Golden Terra Oil is a cooking oil that mothers trust to prepare wholesome and delicious meals. It is a symbol of purity, quality, and health – exactly reflecting the values that a mother wants to provide for her family. The choice of Golden Terra Oil isn’t merely about taste or functionality; it’s about ensuring that every meal prepared is infused with the same love and care that mothers naturally pour into their cooking. Deployed across different communication channels, the campaign’s television commercial opens with a mother pouring Golden Terra Soya Oil with love into a sizzling pan, infusing every droplet with affection and warmth, “the state reads.

Speaking on the newly launched campaign, Chief Marketing Officer, TGI Group, Probal Bhattacharya, said that the “Pour Pure Love” campaign pays tribute to the heartwarming magic that happens in every kitchen, with the care, love and affection that mothers pour into every dish.

“Through the ‘Pour Pure Love’ campaign, Golden Terra Oil salutes every mom in the world for the warm tasty meals that fill our hearts and souls every day with the love they pour selflessly into our lives. It reiterates that the world really needs moms because only they can Pour Pure Love. The message is a nostalgic reminder of what makes mom’s meal so precious – that drop of love, those heaps of care, that pinch of protection, and those sparks that ignite memories around the dinner table” he stated.

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