Bridging Access to Quality Learning Opportunities the Seplat JV Way

Precious Ugwuzor writes that by promoting quality education and academic excellence in host communities, Seplat JV is bridging educational gaps and promoting access to quality learning opportunities through its PEARLs Quiz, which not only incentivise academic excellence but also encourage students to engage in intensive and extensive study practices, as well as rigorous debates

 “The more you read, the more things you will know, the more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Thus goes the timeless saying of famous American writer, Dr. Theodor Seuss, which found vivid manifestation in the experiences of students of Don Bosco Science Academy, Ekpoma, Edo State and 138 secondary schools, who recently participated in the Seplat Energy Joint Venture (JV) Pearls Quiz in Asaba, Delta State.

 The 12th edition of Seplat Energy JV corporate social responsibility initiative awarded the winner of the intra-state PEARLs Quiz competition the coveted grand prize of N10million accompanied by N100,000 scholarships for each of its three partaking students. 

The Seplat Energy/NNPC JV Pearls Quiz CSR initiative is aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 4 which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Ensuring quality education for all is not only a global imperative but a national concern.

 According to UNESCO, as of 2020, approximately 258 million children and youth were out of school worldwide. This stark figure underscores the urgent need for initiatives like the Seplat PEARLs Quiz, which strive to bridge educational gaps and promote access to quality learning opportunities.

Moreover, UNESCO reports that over half of these out-of-school children reside in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, emphasizing the particular challenges faced by these regions. Despite significant progress in increasing access to education over the last decade, there remains a considerable disparity in educational attainment and proficiency levels globally.

In addition to access, proficiency standards in key subjects pose a critical concern. Alarmingly, according to UNESCO data, more than half of all children and adolescents worldwide fail to meet minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics. This sobering statistic also underscores the imperative of initiatives like the Seplat PEARLs Quiz, which not only incentivize academic excellence but also encourage students to engage in intensive and extensive study practices and rigorous debates.

UNICEF, as a global advocate for inclusive and quality education, addresses these challenges through its commitment to equity and inclusion. Through collaborative efforts with governments worldwide, UNICEF strives to enhance the quality and inclusiveness of schools. By doing so, it strives to create an environment where every child, regardless of background or circumstance, has access to an education that empowers and prepares them for a brighter future. 

Correspondingly, the Seplat Energy JV PEARLs Quiz, by addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4, contributes significantly to the global endeavor of providing inclusive and equitable quality education. 

By extending opportunities for lifelong learning to both public and private schools in Edo and Delta states, this initiative stands as a great symbol of the NNPC/Seplat Energy JV’s Corporate Social Responsibility commitment to showing the students in its host communities that education is the key to a sustainable and rewarding future.

 Through such concerted efforts, the companies and the government of their host states collectively work towards a time where every child in both states can access and benefit from a quality education, which will in turn break the cycle of poverty and foster upward socioeconomic mobility.

The annual quiz competition kicked off with enthusiasm in Benin, Edo State, on October 10th, 2023, signifying the start of an engaging academic journey. Out of the 510 schools that initially participated in the rigorous qualifying online test, 139 emerged as determined contenders.

Following a thorough evaluation and the impressive presentation of science projects and artworks, only four schools emerged as winners, earning coveted positions in the much-anticipated finals. In the decisive contest for third place, Hollywood International and Divine Providence Educational Centre competed fiercely, with Hollywood International ultimately securing the third position. 

Yet, it was the outstanding performance of Don Bosco Science Academy that shone the brightest, prevailing over Our Saviour Secondary School and claiming the esteemed first-place title.

In recognition of their outstanding achievements, the first three winning schools were rewarded with prizes of ten million naira, five million naira, and three million naira respectively. Additionally, partaking students from the winning schools each received well-deserved scholarships of N100,000, N75,000 and N50,000 respectively.

Opening the event, the Director of External Affairs and Sustainability, Seplat Energy, Chioma Afe, reaffirmed Seplat Energy’s enduring commitment to being a responsible and accountable corporate organization with strong advocacy for global best practices. “We have built strong relationships with our local stakeholders and created a stable operating environment in our host states by implementing programmes in healthcare, education, capacity building, youth empowerment, and infrastructural development. 

“We are mindful of the needs in the country’s education sector, our leadership role amongst our peers, and our commitment to our host communities in Edo and Delta States.”

Afe added: “This programme has directly impacted the performance of the students as it encourages them to study intensively and extensively and participate in rigorous debates. Moreover, it provides a platform for both public and private secondary schools to interact, share ideas, and experiences throughout the programme. It offers far more than just winning: it helps students gain substantial experience, build confidence, and encourages them to adopt innovative techniques and develop their ideas and skills.”

 The Managing Director, Seplat West Limited, Mr. Ayodele Olatunde, thanked the governments of Edo and Delta states for their unwavering support over the years. This has been instrumental to the level of success recorded by the joint venture. He also extended Seplat Energy’s gratitude to the NNPC E&P Limited and various regulatory agencies in Edo and Delta.

 “The initiative we gather to celebrate today is unique and remains a true embodiment of corporate social responsibility. It’s about using this initiative to promote and reward academic excellence among secondary schools in our host states. It is more than just academic achievements; it’s about fostering values, principles, and a sense of purpose in our young talents.”

 Similarly, a representative of NEPL, Mr. Oluwaseyi Orimoloye, said that the laudable event will foster healthy educational competition among students, adding that: “It is a rare opportunity intended to broaden students’ horizons while exposing them to a broader knowledge base. It is an invaluable part of our academic journey.” He urged teachers to keep molding credible and world-class leaders, saying that Nigeria needs to invest aggressively in producing the best in terms of human capital.

The Delta State Commissioner for Secondary and Basic Education, Rose Ezenwu, said education is a powerful tool that can transform societies socially, politically, economically, and technologically. “It is the magic wand that can uplift communities, and it remains the key to progress. This administration is fully committed to providing quality education for our young learners.”

The Secretary to the Delta State Government, Dr. Kingsley Emu, who represented the Governor Rt. Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, said: “I was deeply impressed by the commitment and dedication it takes to have 139 schools qualify out of over 510 secondary schools. This achievement reflects an extraordinary amount of energy, an intricate set of processes, and an unwavering attention to detail.

“This is for Edo and Delta indeed, but I see something even more promising here. The boldness, eloquence, and confidence displayed by the participants in this quiz competition showcase the potential that such events unlock in our youth. Indeed, this is the future of Nigeria. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Seplat Energy and NEPL for their unwavering commitment to initiatives like this. “

During the event, the Seplat Women’s Awesome Network (SWAN) and the Seplat Young Professionals (YP) Network were present to provide guidance and advisory through mentorship and health care sessions. Schools also exhibited various science- and art-based developmental projects, highlighting their commitment to holistic development. These projects were meticulously evaluated, with exceptional schools earning well-deserved recognition and rewards for their outstanding contributions to the academic and creative spheres in their states.

The Seplat Energy JV PEARLs Quiz unfolds in two crucial stages: the test and competition phases. In the test stage, all participating schools undergo qualifying assessments, with Seplat overseeing and managing the data for all participants. The competition stage sees qualified schools engage in head-to-head battles, culminating in a process of elimination until a deserving champion emerges for the year.

All qualified schools from the test stage go home with Seplat-branded laptop bags, exercise books, and T-shirts. The Seplat Energy PEARLs quiz addresses the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 for quality education by ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for both public and private schools in Edo and Delta states, thus helping to promote lifelong learning opportunities for the teeming youth population.

Furthermore, in the global context, it’s important to note that UNESCO 2020 report that around 258 million children and youth were out of school, with more than half of them living in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, highlights the urgency and significance of initiatives like the Seplat Pearls Quiz in addressing the need for accessible and quality education worldwide.


According to UNESCO, as of 2020, approximately 258 million children and youth were out of school worldwide. This stark figure underscores the urgent need for initiatives like the Seplat PEARLs Quiz, which strive to bridge educational gaps and promote access to quality learning opportunities

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