Subsidy Removal: Tinubu’s Critics Will Soon Praise Him, Says Cleric

Gbenga Sodeinde in Ado Ekiti

A renowned man of God, Prophet Sam Olu Alo, has said that those criticising President Bola Tinubu over the fuel subsidy removal will soon come out to praise and commend  him for taking the decision.

Prophet Olu Alo who is the founder of the Christ Apostolic Church, (Adamimogo Grace of Mercy Prayer Mountain Worldwide) also counselled Nigerian youths to embrace trades and vocations as means of livelihood and get less involved in political activities.

He said the bitter truth is that, what the federal government was doing about fuel subsidy was very good and that it  would give Nigerians relief and  great future liberty.

The cleric stated these while addressing newsmen in Ado Ekiti, the Ekiti state capital, after the annual 3-in-1 programme of the ministry tagged: “7 hours,7 prophets, Ogo Akobi/Morning of Mercy.’

The power packed  programme, which has also been held in Akure, Ondo State assembly of the church would come up in Ogun and Lagos states assemblies of the church before the end of July, 2023.

Alo said, “The program has been on for over ten years. It is a mystery to wake up sleeping firstborns because, from the bible time, majority of our firstborns do go through challenges in life, they couldn’t be what God wants them to be and they are the ones God refer to as first fruits. But through these prayers being offered, experiences and orientation they are receiving,  it helps them to realise the fact that they too have a good future ahead of them and God has been using the programme for the works  of signs and wonders since we started.”

On the harsh effects of subsidy removal on the people, he said, “If the government can succeed on the fuel removal it would be all joy for all of us too. Those that are blaming, slamming the federal government on the issue today, will later give credit to and bless the government for it”. 

He, however, submitted that the citizenry dispositions will be positive on the strict adherence to some of the advice he gave, saying “I made a suggestion that  some economic experts in Nigeria should be engaged to put heads together and come up with what could be done with the money that can benefit all Nigerians.

“When people were talking about palliatives, I told them that  it may not address the situation and the people will soon be cursing those that introduced it, because the money will not get to the people it is meant for. Some few Nigeria will use it to further enrich themselves.

“If the experts suggested whether it should be used for the construction of railways and train operations, see for the next four years across the country, youths will be employed to work there, farmers will also benefit. There must be a working agreement as far as that is concerned and a law be enacted that whoever is found guilty of embezzling the funds meant for the project will be made to face capital punishment. You will see it will give us great joy . They can agree on using the subsidy money to rehabilitate all our hospitals and build well equipped ones across the country or schools, or electricity that can be sustained for so many years”. 

Prophet Alo told  Nigerians that whatever that will be good will  come with some challenges at the initial stage but urged them to be hopeful that all shall be well.

Speaking about the attitude of Nigerian youths towards self development and the country,  he said “I am sorry to say this, most of our youths in Nigeria are not ready to work, but if they can think about finding something to do, it will be for their good. Our youths are brave and knowledgeable , the wisdom they have should be utilized to better their life. Some of them should go into private business.

 “In some of the developed countries, I was opportune to visit, their youths are into large scale farming, with access to electricity and train and the government will buy all the crops from them after they are harvested . If the crops got spoiled, and it was confirmed they grow the crops, government will also compensate them. 

“So, our youths should be prepared and be  ready to work, they should find a job of their own to do and they should not just be thinking about only politics everytime . If you know you can do furniture making, carpentry  work and other trades, go for training on them and government should support them by buying working equipments for them after training and let them pay back in bits. 

“I witnessed such, when I travelled to Turkey. They trained their  youths in  different trades and help them to sell their products. That was why we told Nigerian government to develop our tourism potentials, so that when the tourists are coming here, they can buy their products and government will be buying it from them to encourage them. 

“For our youths themselves, they should be focused. All our elders we are seeing now in another 10 years time, most of them would have grown old and will not be able to get out of their houses again, then, it is the youth that will remain, but if they are not prepared, how are they going to take their rightful position in the society?.”

Sharing his thoughts on President Tinubu-led government, he said, “As a man of God, it is very early to rate him but he has a good plan in mind for Nigeria. If we start praising him within this short period of time , though he has started but this is just the beginning. 

“In my own view, on this fuel subsidy removal, I know he has started well  and the appointments he has made so far, were not to impress some people and he is not doing badly.

“My prayers and admonition for him, is for God to guide him to do more, because his case is like he is the last hope for us in  this country, for him to do well is what that will be good for us and the church of God.

“The most important thing is for the Christians and Muslims in this country to continue to pray for President Bola Tinubu and we should stop raining curses on our country.  

“Some of our people are still saying, will this country be good again? It can still be good with the steps being taken by the president. People  in diaspora are even happy about actions and steps he has taken so far. But you know most people don’t cherish what they have. We should keep  praying for him not to take wrong steps and for him to be able to appoint right people into positions”. 

He expressed sadness over the death of Prophet Michael Ojo Olowere. 

Prophet Alo described the demise of the renowned CAC leader as a great loss to the entire members of the church worldwide

He said, “A big tree has fallen in CAC and Nigeria at large. All our great fathers in the Lord knew our father Olowere. For me, I will miss the prayer life of the late man of God.

“And I know that all CAC churches know that a renowned  father of prayer  has gone from this church and God should help us stand by the entire CAC Oke Agbara church and his immediate family’.

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