How Politicians Attacking Gov Uba Sani Are Projecting Their Own Failures

By Musa Garba

“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember—the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you.” — Zig Ziglar

When failure becomes a politician’s legacy, their only refuge is to throw stones at those rewriting history with success. This is precisely the case with the desperate detractors of Governor Uba Sani—individuals whose time in leadership left Kaduna grappling with neglected infrastructure, crumbling health systems, and an education sector gasping for breath. Now, unable to stomach the governor’s transformative achievements, they’ve resorted to petty attacks, projecting their glaring failures onto a man whose record speaks louder than their empty rhetoric.

Education: Fixing What They Left Broken

Before Uba Sani’s leadership, Kaduna’s education sector was on life support, thanks to the negligence of some of his loudest critics today. They watched as over 680,000 children roamed the streets without schooling, offering nothing but hollow promises. In just over a year, Governor Sani slashed that number by 300,000. How? Through the construction of 62 new secondary schools, 2,347 primary school classrooms, and aggressive teacher recruitment. While his critics perfected the art of excuses, he delivered results.

Healthcare: Where They Abandoned, He Rebuilt

The same voices shouting today are the ones who left Kaduna’s health facilities to rot. General hospitals went untouched for over two decades, forcing residents to seek care outside the state. Enter Uba Sani: 12 secondary healthcare centers reconstructed, remodeled, and equipped. He didn’t stop there. He launched an audacious plan to upgrade all 255 Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) to Level 2 status—capable of handling conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and complicated childbirths. To top it off, 290 PHCs received new medical equipment. This is leadership, not lip service.

Infrastructure : Where They Saw Challenges, He Built Roads

For years, Kaduna roads were symbols of their failed governance—potholes, erosion, and decay. Fast forward to today: 54 road projects covering 673 kilometers, many already completed and commissioned. While they left behind dust and potholes, Uba Sani is paving the way—literally and figuratively—for Kaduna’s growth.

Financial Inclusion : Empowering the Poor They Ignored

While his critics lined their pockets and left the poor to fend for themselves, Governor Sani signed an executive order to promote financial inclusion, aiming to bring one million vulnerable citizens into the financial services sector. It’s not just about inclusion; it’s about empowerment. He’s equipping them with financial literacy to break the cycle of poverty—a concept alien to those who now throw stones from glass houses.

Agriculture: Where They Failed to Sow, He Reaps Progress

Kaduna’s agricultural potential was stifled under their watch. Today, with Uba Sani’s intervention, over 60,000 smallholder farmers have received support in the form of inputs and equipment. This has solidified Kaduna’s dominance as a leading producer of maize, ginger, and tomatoes.

Governor Uba Sani’s leadership isn’t just about projects; it’s about people. It’s about fixing the mess left by those who now gnash their teeth in frustration, unable to cope with his soaring achievements. Their attacks are not critiques—they are confessions of their own failure.

So, to those new critics who have lost relevance, clutching at straws: your noise won’t drown out progress. Kaduna has moved on, and under Uba Sani, it’s not looking back.

  • Comrade Garba wrote from Guga Close Abakpa, Kaduna North, Kaduna State.

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