Ex-THISDAY Staff, Eroke-Okafor Unveils Book on Depression

A former staff of THISDAY Newspapers Limited, Mrs. Linda Eroke-Okafor, has launched a book titled, ‘Revealed! 9 Ways I Overcame Depression with Zero Budget’.
The former THISDAY Labour Correspondent in her speech at the event which took place in Lagos, recently, gave thanks to God “for making this book launch a great success despite the many hurdles.”

She added: “I deeply appreciate everyone present at the unveiling of the new book, especially my former colleagues in THISDAY newspaper. Of course, not forgetting those that could not make it physically but remembered me in their prayers, sent messages or called.
“I also want to appreciate the pastorate and members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Fruitful Vine Area led by pastor Solomon Osa-Daniel for being a strong pillar of support to me. I could never have done this without your help and encouragement. I want to specially thank my husband and children for standing by me to ensure that the event is successful.”

She added: “Permit me to use this opportunity to solicit your support in achieving my dreams for I strongly believe that we rise by lifting others.
“Take for instance one of Hollywood famous stunt women and racers, Kitty O’Neill, who solidified her place in history as the world’s fastest woman despite suffering personal challenges, including the loss of hearing at an early age.

“Kitty never allowed these challenges to stop her, instead her persistent and daring attitude propelled her to the pinnacle of her profession. She was able to achieve this feat with the help and support of those around her for a tree cannot make a forest.”
While noting that having a support system was one of the techniques that helped her to overcome depression without spending money, the author specifically acknowledged the support received from Dr. Koripamo Agary, a former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Labour.

“I have heard many good things about her while she was the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour. Many will describe her as one who possesses the qualities of a good mother due to her ability to give a listening ear.

“I called her to tell her about my sickness and ever since then, she has been amazing. She treats me like her daughter, counsels me whenever I need someone to talk to and always encourages me to continue to work irrespective of the challenges. This is how having a strong support system can help navigate life’s murky waters,” she added.

The book reviewer, Rev. Canon Anthony Ajero, explained that in the 6-chapter e-book, Eroke-Okafor states, “The World Bank in its 2023 report on Nigeria said 130 million Nigerians are living in multidimensional poverty. The report added that with the removal of fuel subsidy by President Bola Tinubu’s administration in May 2023, more Nigerians will sacrifice their healthcare to adjust to the rising cost of living. This is disastrous and needs increased attention by all, including the church.

“Revealed! 9 Ways I Overcame Depression On Zero Budget,’ is a practical book that is easy to read. Indeed, it can be read from start to finish in one sitting. The language is very simple and unpretentious such that anyone with an average education can easily digest this book. Its 9-way approach on zero budget makes it even more streamlined.

Chapter 1 titled, ‘Understanding Depression’, covers the definition of depression and statistical representation, why depression is more prevalent among women, the causes and symptoms of depression, importance of self-awareness, and dealing with stigmatisation and discrimination that comes with depression.

“Here, the author explains what depression is. She employs the WHO’s view of it and then brings it home to our immediate Nigerian experience. She writes: “Depression is a challenging mental condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Specifically, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that an estimated 3.8 per cent of the world population experience depression. That is approximately 280m people in the world,” he added.

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