
He’s a Very Naughty Boy

Latest |2022-01-08T02:16:35

Novak Djokovic’s father has called his son “a leader of the free world” but in reality “He’s a very naughty boy!” and like the character in “Life of Brian” he has many misguided followers and in the end will be hung out to ridicule and criticism in the court of life.

On a more serious note, there is a suggestion that while his Visa appeal is going through the courts he will be able to play in the Australian Tennis Open despite apparently being unvaccinated. He is being held in an immigration detainee’s hotel with many refugees who have been kept in captivity for almost 10 years in some cases. Why might he be allowed to go to ‘work’ when the other people cannot work, leave or stay with any local family members? Surely it’s not because they can’t play tennis.

It would be fairer if everyone was treated the same irrelevant of wealth, status, culture, race or their Tennis ranking.

Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia