
Juliet Ibrahim: I’m Single and Spending Time On Self-Discovery

Latest |2021-05-29T03:33:12


Juliet Ibrahim is one of the celebrated faces in the entertainment world. Fun-loving, friendly and down-to-earth, Juliet is as simple and as stylish as she appears. As an actress, budding singer, movie producer, compere, and to add, an author, Juliet has got it all going good for her, career wise. As a woman, her stories resonate and have shaped and made her tough and determined to become successful in life. The Lebanese-Ghanaian-Liberian descent tells it all to Ferdinand Ekechukwu

You recently celebrated your 35th birthday, how do you feel and how has it been?
It’s been wonderful and I thank God every day for allowing me live my dream. I have been able to use my career in acting to impact many lives and create other avenues for myself and my brand. I spoke in detail on my life experiences in my memoir and indeed my life’s journey is one to be celebrated. So it’s been prayers, appreciation to God Almighty, determination and consistency.

Is there anything you would change if given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time?
I would not change a thing because all of my experiences moulded me into the woman I am today.

Juliet is a woman of many stories, some like depression, heartbreaks and crashed relationships you have shared with your audience. Have your stories really been heard?
My stories have been heard and I can’t wait to share the rest of them with the world. Yes I am a woman of many stories that makes up who I am. This reflects in my book “A Toast to Life”, published 2019. I have been through a whole lot of experiences that I felt I had to share with my ever-growing fan-base. I’ve had experiences that would probably break the average person; but I survived.

How have these stories and experiences shaped the woman you are today?
My childhood was pretty much easy going yet at the same times frustrating, being the eldest of four kids. I grew up faster and went through experiences both good and bad to be strong for my siblings. I experienced three civil wars. I saw my parents and relatives being harassed right before my eyes. I have been able to use these experiences for moulding into the strong woman I am today. I spent most part of my childhood living as a refugee due to those wars. I grew up in four different countries. My parents were business people; it took us around a lot. I speak and write fluent French and English. I think it inspired my love for traveling and experiencing new environment. Those experiences; in addition to a teenager battling colorism, self-esteem issues and a young adult finding love and learning how to embrace her body made me tough and determined to become successful in life.

Who do you consider the greatest influence in your life?
The greatest influence in my life would be my mother. She has inspired me so much and has been a source of inspiration all these years.

You have in some instances had cases where you read stories you think are false about you. How do you really take these stories and to what extent does it get at you?
Being a public figure comes with its ups and downs. Not everyone will like you and vice versa. Neither can you control the content that the press publishes about you nor what people will say about you. . . I don’t feel anything with regards to negative rumours or stories especially when people would rather sit around and intentionally create a wrong/false story or controversy just to sell. However, if at all something false is published about me, I’ll react appropriately or have my lawyers do their work. Being a celebrity makes my public side of life for public entertainment. I chose this lifestyle, so I had to be prepared for everything else that comes with it. More so, without the critics, media and fans there’ll be no Juliet Ibrahim.

You chose being a celebrity and the lifestyle and everything that comes with it has thrown up challenges. Would you consider being in the limelight as fulfillment to you?
As a kid I had always dreamt of growing up and being in the spotlight. I used to idolize musicians and runway models. That’s why throughout my junior and high school years I did a lot of modeling and singing at talent shows, church events and social gatherings. I actually had my very own talent group; we used to perform at events. I really didn’t think I’ll be anything other than what and who I am today. Not every kid gets to live their childhood dream. I count myself lucky and blessed. So, indeed being in the limelight is a fulfillment.

Your style is one of the reasons you are often focus on and off the screen…what’s your definition of style and what’s your style stakes?
Style exudes your confidence…what you wear, and how you wear it speaks to your confidence. When a persons’ esteem is secure; their journey to such confidence is worth embracing.

I read that you are in love with yourself and career, how about being in love again with a man?
I have always been in love with myself. Anyways, I have been focusing on my career and myself for quite a while now. I am single and I have been spending time on self-discovery and self-love. I believe that one must not go looking for a good partner until you yourself have become a good partner. You must meet the requirements of your requirements.

You have strongly objected to being regarded as ‘half-caste’ because of your skin tone. But instead chose to be ‘Black and proud of it’. Looking at it you are born to a Lebanese father and a Ghanaian-Liberian mother. Could it be for any reason you abhor such identity?
What I said was: I had a random conversation with someone and it was appalling when he mentioned passively to me that he doesn’t see me as a #Blackwoman! He argued, you are not “black enough” your skin isn’t dark enough, your hair is not kinky enough. And thus my siblings and I do not ‘count’ as Black. Now this is exactly what we are fighting to correct amongst ourselves and the world at large. I am a black woman! When I’m abroad amongst the whites, I am classified and recognized as a black woman, however, right amongst us Africans I’ll be referred to as a Half-Caste! This is the most derogatory term to describe a person of mixed race or mixed ethnicity! Mixed race people are no less black than their dark-skinned counterparts.

Can we talk about some memorable moments in your career?
The first time I got my first major endorsement deal as a brand ambassador was the first time I hosted the Glo Caf Awards as a bilingual Host. I hosted and spoke French and English in-front of a global audience.

If you were not an entertainer, what would you have been?
I grew up dreaming to be a super star. I wanted to be a musician at all cost. But if being in the spot light didn’t work out for me I would have been a translator working with the United Nations or a multinational company, a lawyer, a travel agent or an air hostess.

Seems you have stopped singing?
I haven’t stopped. Singing was my childhood dream. I love music and I still have some songs I intend to drop. I just recorded with Djinee and I have been in the studio working with some producers. I love to use my music to make an impact, celebrate life and tell stories. But I sing because it makes me happy and I love doing it.

How do you balance your other jobs with acting?
I combine it all by the grace of God. To be honest, I’m a superwoman (laughs). Because sometimes I ask myself how I do it all. I am a career woman so I have to juggle them accordingly and I also have a good team I work with that help ease off the work load. My success has been staying consistent in my earlier years as an actress then moving on to produce award winning content.

What’s in the pipeline for you in 2021?
The Launch of www.shadesbyjulietibrahim.com and www.missinternationalafrica.com Miss International Africa is a pet project that will be aired soon on my YouTube channel “Juliet Ibrahim TV” it is a women empowerment reality show. I will be starting a new talk show and reality show and currently in pre-production stage of my personal film. You’ll just have to wait and see because there’s so much in the pipeline.

Who is Juliet Ibrahim? Tell us your likes and dislikes; your hobbies; turn on, turn offs; phobia, your favourtie food, favourite colour, and things like that?
I am a determined, fun-loving, hardworking, family-oriented, friendly and down-to-earth lady. I love music, movies, food and anything that pushes my creativity. My favorite colors are Black and Gold. I love Karoake night out with my friends and family. I am very adventurous with food I actually don’t like to name one as a favorite. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures and delicacies.