

Latest |2021-05-12T00:00:26

The West has its share of weird behaviour, writes Sonnie Ekwowusi

As you may be aware, the Joe Biden administration has recently instructed the U.S Embassies and U.S Diplomatic Missions across the world to fly the gay flag on same flagpole as the American flag. As I scribble this I am seeing online the American flag flying on the same pole as the Rainbow flag. Que barbaridad! It is amazing how shithole fornication has been arrogated as statecraft in the West. During the European’s colonization of Africa little or nothing was known about the early civilizations that flourished in ancient Egypt, Carthage and other parts of ancient Africa. At that time Africa was simply known as a “Dark Continent” where wild elephants and roaring lions lived together with the stone-age uncivilized Africans. Unfortunately this notion of Africa as a “Dark Continent” without civilization has not been reversed in many parts of the West. This is probably why whenever the CNN or the BBC is focusing on Africa it shows photographs of malnourished African children or African children suffering from kwashiorkor ostensibly as evidence that Africa is still backward. You see, the contributions of Africa to world history and world civilization have constantly been undermined against the Eurocentric assumptions and myths that the West is the sanctuary of the ideals of civilization.

This is incorrect. The West still has its own share of savagery, animalism, uncultured behavior, and backwardness. For example, looking at American history, the American courts have been more inclined to protecting marriage between a man and a woman as the foundation for inculcating moral character in and undergirding American civil society. For example, in 1823 Court decision, John Marshall held that the “sacredness of the connection between husband and wife” would pave the way for a harmonious American society. In the late 1885, Justice Stephen J, Field declared for the US Supreme Court, “No legislation can be supposed more wholesome and necessary in the founding of a free, self-governing commonwealth…than that which seeks to establish it on the basis of the idea of the family, as consisting in and springing from the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony; the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization; the best guarantee of all that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement.”

But unfortunately today shithole fornication and “marriage” between a man and a man or “marriage” between a woman and another woman have been legalized in America and most parts of Europe. Shithole fornication and same-sex marriage are repugnant to African sensibilities but in the West these barbarities have been legalized and imbibed as acceptable human conducts in the name of human right or right to privacy or sexual orientation regardless of the fact that the prestigious European Human Rights Court had ruled in 2015 that shithole fornication and gay marriage are not human rights. Despite this judgment President Biden on coming to power wasted no time in making LGBT1+ the centerpiece of American foreign policy. He has now ordered that the American flag must be flown together with the LGBT1+ flag. What point is President Biden trying to make, if I may ask? If he and others at the White House are pro-gay or have turned the White House into a Rainbow House, why desecrate American flag and American international image? The national flag of any nation both in international law and in diplomatic circles is not just a mere symbolic representation of the nation but the way the nation portrays itself and its image to the rest of the world. By flying the American flag alongside Rainbow flag, President Biden is portraying America as a homosexual/lesbian country. America used to be appealing to all mankind. America used to be a role model to the rest of the world.

By turning America into a gay country President Biden has violated the principles of diversity, inclusiveness, non-discrimination and, above all, the principle of equality enshrined in the American Constitution. America is a multilingual, multi-racial, multicultural and multi-religious society. Many states, institutions, agencies, religions, incorporations in the U.S have their respective flags. There are the Christian flag, Pentecostal flag, Evangelical flag, pagan flag, Satan flag, Presbyterian flag, Buddhist flag, Vatican flag and so forth in the U.S. Besides, America is a secular nation. Therefore it is illogical, illegal and unconstitutional for the Biden administration to choose to fly only the gay flag alongside the American flag. We eagerly await the American Supreme Court judgment on this.

It is obvious that since the end of the cold war a new global cultural revolution-dissemination of new secular ethics, deconstruction of Judeo-Christian anthropology, radical feminism-has ferociously been sweeping across the West. In her seminal work with the title: The Globalization of the Western Cultural Revolution, Marguerite Peters writes that the socio-political dysfunctions confronting governance in the West today stems from a new global cultural revolution. To Peters, Western civilization is suffering the consequences of the widespread new global Cultural Revolution. Why? Because the new global Cultural Revolution has led to the legalization of shithole fornication, safe-sex proselytization in schools, anthropological cataclysm, existential and marital infidelity, marital divorce, abortion, euthanasia, disintegration of the family and so forth in the West. The extent of these dysfunctions, writes Peters, has become so great that an anthropological cataclysm has been unleashed in the West. For example, the anthropological or biological difference between a man and a woman has been blurred in the West. The identity or sex of a man or woman is now a social construct not a biological construct anymore. A woman can claim to be a man. A man can claim to be a woman. A man who feels he is a woman can now enter a female toilet at will and use it. Conversely a woman who feels that she is a man can freely enter a male toilet and use it. In many schools in the U.S and Canada today boys who claim to be girls are being admitted in girls’ schools to be sharing hostels and shower rooms with the girls and competing with them in Inter-Hostel Sports competition.

As more employees now identify their gender as non-binary (that is, that they are neither male nor female) in many parts of the West, employers of labour in that part of the world are now disallowed from asking their employees to disclose whether they are male or female. Just imagine. You have people working for you but you don’t know which of them are male or female because the law disallows you from asking them to disclose their sexes. In March 2021 a Canadian court jailed a father who refused to address his 14-year-old biological daughter (who claimed she had transgendered to a male) as female. On 22nd April 2021, another Canadian father was jailed for addressing his daughter (who claimed to be a boy) as female. A couple of years ago I ran into Paul Diamond Esquire in central London. Paul is a lawyer in London who specializes in defending people who are arrested and prosecuted for their anti-gay views. He narrated to me his ordeals in defending conscientious objectors to gay “right”. Paul successfully defended Nadia Eweida, a Christian employee of British Airways who was fired by the airline for wearing a cross necklace which depicted her as a Christian. Obviously the West has sunk so deep to the level of the beasts. Despite their seemingly irreversible cataclysm and trials Africa and Asia are fast emerging as powerhouses from which the ideals of civilization would spread throughout the world.