Covid-19 is a biological weapon developed in order to create market opportunity for the sale of digital identity vaccine to the nations of the World. Covid-19 is a product of the promoters of digital identity vaccine and digital identity vaccine cannot operate in 2G, 3G and 4G except 5G. Digital identity vaccine can only seat and operate in 5G effectively.

Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has wrecked economic activities, social activities, religious activities, industrial activities and trading activities globally. We have seen churches, mosques, schools, sport centres, tourism centres, mall centres and cinema centres shut down globally at the outbreak of Covid-19. Covid-19 has not only placed threat on large gathering of people, but has altered people’s perception to process technology use globally. Covid-19 is the worst pandemic ever in human history. A biological disease that has incapacitated both developed and developing countries globally. It renders world power nations and the church powerless globally. But John G. Lake will forever be disappointed with the General Overseers, Spiritual Leaders and Senior pastors of this generation’s inability to pray the World out of Covid-19 outbreak calamity. Covid-19 confirmed cases are over four million persons globally. John G.

Lake cannot be forgotten easily in his fight against Bubonic plague outbreak in 1900. It is saddening that from Asia to South and North America, Middle East to Africa and Europe there is no minister of God who can give the World Power Nations (the State) and their allied organization direction on Covid-19 solution. This is a clear indication of the secret powers of Anti-Christ grip on the church of God. The non-involvement of the church in reaching out to the needy in their respective congregation during this devastating time is indicative of false religion spirit. They care more of tithes and offerings rather than human beings, the core essence of instituting the church on earth. Three paramount goals earmarked the early church administration, namely: Ministry of the Word, Ministry of Prayer and Welfare Ministry.

Paul emphasized that negligence to the ministry of welfare for the needy, orphans and widows is considered impure and false religion (James 1:27). Today spiritual leaders and pastors perceived mass accumulation of wealth and mass gathering of people in church congregation as indicative of the grace of God in their ministry work. But this is far from what scripture revealed to us.

Scripture shows us that reaching (meeting) Zero Needy, Poverty and Hunger congregation is the core indicative of God’s Grace (Acts2:42-47; Acts 4:32-35). To help the church play key role in restoring economic prosperity in our land amidst Covid-19 crisis, the church of Nigeria must restructure her administrative style in line with the early church goals.

There were three goals that shaped the early church administrative style namely love goal by living common life, evident by sharing belongings among one another in community of believers (Acts2:44-45), Common Fellowship goal by breaking bread (The Word) and prayers daily in designated house fellowship centres (Acts2:46-47), and Zero Needy goal target by gathering church offerings, tithes and asset offerings given to the church by net worth individual member to design employable career development program of 21st century (Acts4:32-35).

On this note, the church of Nigeria should pursue love goal, common fellowship goal and zero needy goal targets in order to partner the state in restoring our economy from the devastation of Covid-19 pandemic. May God Almighty give the church insight on how to help the state overcome Covid-19 pandemic crisis in the churches of Christ globally.
Pedro Ukokobili, Lagos

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