
Strategically Positioning for 2018

Business |2017-11-23T00:32:01


We have less than 40 days till the end of the year 2017, which is plenty of time to position ourselves for a better 2018. If you take just one action per day, you will break through inertia, build a habit of systematic and regular action, and make critical progress toward next year.
We are the architect of our future; we determine how things turn out to a great extent by the choices and habits we have imbibed.

How you can position yourself for 2018:
Review/evaluate your performance for the year 2017
The only way we can reasonably decide what we want in the future and how to get there is to know where we are right now and what our current level of satisfaction is.
Prepare a list of things you are grateful for, write down all you were able to accomplish, the areas that you didn’t do well, what were the reasons why you failed in those areas, how can you make it better the coming year.

Evaluate every activities you were involved in; what where the lessons learned? What do you need to do better for 2018 to be a success? What habits do you need to change? Which people do you need to cut off? Which people do you need to align with?
A proper evaluation of yourself will give you a proper sense of direction and focus for 2018.

List out the names of supportive colleagues, friends, family members and mentors for the year 2017:
A major step in better positioning ourselves for 2018 is to review the people/relationship in our life, note down all the people that were supportive to us this year. Write down the names of all supportive friends, spouse, family members, mentors, bosses so you can further nurture the relationships; while any relationships that are not supportive should be cut off.

Set goals for 2018 and make them happen:
Goal setting is very powerful because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams; it gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life.
In order for us to be properly position for 2018, we must set goals and make them happen.
Decide on the goals you want to achieve next year, and then commit to it. Carefully write them down to make them feel tangible, and then plan the steps you must take to realise the goals.
Setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Ask yourself some questions about what you want for your life. What do you want to achieve. Give yourself a deadline within a reasonable time frame (no more than a year for short-term goals)

Get a mentor:
A Japanese adage says; “better than a thousand days of a diligent search is a day with a great teacher” Nothing great was ever accomplished alone, for every goal achieved in one’s life, it can be trace back to a mentor or individual who helped you achieve it. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish in life, a mentor is going to kick start you on the path to achieve it. By far the hardest part of accomplishing anything is getting started.

We all have dreams and goals but until we make a move to act on them, they will always remain just a dream or a goal. When you have a mentor, you are learning from someone who has already arrived at where you want to be. They know exactly what it takes to get there and what sacrifices need to be made.

Spend more time reading books:
When was the last time you read a book? The importance of reading cannot be overemphasis; through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information, and new ways to solve a problem.
Book reading can hasten your success toward a goal, as you don’t need to repeat the same mistake while focusing on the right path in achieving one thing.

You can discover people’s successes, failures and advices from books. There are more than four thousand billionaires and 12 million millionaires today, to become one of them, the first thing is to learn and get to know their past, what they did in the past that got them where they are today. Reading is a great path to get to know them and learn from these great people.
Start planning for the future today, and I will see you at the top.

– Olodu keonyedi is a trained engineer and by passion and personal development a public/motivational speaker, a business coach and human capacity developer, he has a B.Eng degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, he is a member of Nigeria Society of Engineer and a COREN registered Engineer.

Email: olodukeonyedi@gmail.com Tel: 08037489704, www.instagram.com/sir_keon www.facebook.com/olodu keonyedi_mentorship